Welcome to Messiah Lutheran Church!

Messiah Lutheran Church is a Christian community located on the West Side of Santa Cruz, California. We are within walking distance of the UCSC campus, in the Westlake Neighborhood. 

Here at Messiah Lutheran Church we desire to know our Lord and Savior better, to grow in our faith, and share that faith journey with others. We experience faith together at our Services, Bible Classes, and Events. This faith is an active path we journey on together.  Please join us! 

Service Times

Sunday Worship service is onsite and online via ZOOM at 10:00am.

Use a computer or tablet to join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/485087170 

(either click link above or copy and paste it in your internet browser)

Pastor Rice's Bible Studies

Thursdays 9:30 am


Please email Pastor Rice for the passcode pastor@messiah-lutheran.us 


Preschool Update

 If you would like to donate to the preschool, please use the donate button below.


General Fund Donation

If you would like to maintain your stewardship commitments to support the ministry of Messiah Lutheran Church, mail your offering to Messiah Lutheran Church, 801 High Street, Santa Cruz CA 95060, or you can make a General Fund donation by clicking below.  Please email melody@messiah-lutheran.us a note of each online donation that you make so that we can include it in your offering statement.







Contact Information

Office Hours T-F  9:00 am-1:00 pm

Phone     (831) 423-8330
Email pastor@messiah-lutheran.us
Address 801 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060 




Worship Services


Sunday 10:00am

Contemporary Service 

Deuteronomy 26:1–11

Romans 10:8b–13

Luke 4:1–13


A close up of a text

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The ZOOM meeting ID for ALL Services is: 

485 087 170

Access the room using a smartphone, tablet or computer using this link:  https://zoom.us/j/485087170

You can also “listen” to the service without video by calling: +1 669 900 6833


Ongoing Events

Eating with Jesus



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