Friday, March 7, 2025


1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”


Psalm 91:1-2



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Sunday Worship Services

The First Sunday in Lent - Contemporary  Service

Deuteronomy 26:1–11

Romans 10:8b–13

Luke 4:1–13

The ZOOM meeting ID for all hybrid services is: 485 087 170

Access the room using a smartphone, tablet or computer using this link:

You may also “listen” to the service without video by calling: +1 669 900 6833



Time Change – Spring Forward Saturday Night!!

A clock with flowers on it  AI-generated content may be incorrect.

Set your clocks ahead one hour at bedtime Saturday night!!



Volunteers Needed

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Volunteers needed for the MLC Easter Egg Hunt!

Saturday 4/12.

Please contact Pastor Rice, Gretchen, or the office.

  • Easter cookie bakers
  • 9:30am 4/12 set up 
  • Event/Activity volunteers

Donations needed:

  • Animal Petting Zoo Donation: $595
  • Donate Socks (Everyone! And Guests!)
  • Donate to purchase new large ducks for duck race $50
  • Cookies for cookie decoration 50-60 cookies
  • Tell your neighbors - Easter egg hunt for Preschool to 4th grade



Midweek Lent Services

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Wednesdays 12:00 noon online Zoom


When Peter walked out onto the water, he began to sink as he took his eyes off Jesus. But the Lord was quick to reach His hand down to save him. When Christ walked on the water, He demonstrated that He is God in the flesh, through whom all things were created. It is all the work of His hands. In saving Peter, He also showed that He is compassionate. In our helpless state, Christ has reached down to pull us from the pit of despair.



Save the Date – Voters Meeting

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Please mark your calendars.

Watch here, an agenda will be coming soon.



Work Party!

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Saturday 3/8 at 10:00am




Sunday Supper

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3/9 MENU

Corned Beef & Cabbage

Potatoes & Dessert


Call the office TODAY BY NOON to RSVP (831)423-8330

$15.00 each meal.



Thursday Morning Bible Study

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Thursday at 9:30am.

Zoom meeting ID: 450 934 553

Call the office at (831)423-8330 for passcode.

You may also “listen” to the service by calling: 1 669 900 6833.

Access the room using a smartphone, tablet or computer using this link:



MLC Birthdays & Anniversaries






You Are Invited

Fliers are on the credenza in the Narthex.

A poster for a concert  AI-generated content may be incorrect.



Agnus Day

Reasons Why It’s Good We’re Not Jesus #352: We’d be saying, “Look! Get off your duff and get your own salvation for a change!”

A cartoon of two sheep  AI-generated content may be incorrect.




Preschool Update



To give a donation via the Preschool’s Amazon Wish List, please click, or the blue button:






General Fund Donation

If you would like to donate to support the ministry of Messiah Lutheran Church, mail your offering to Messiah Lutheran Church, 801 High Street, Santa Cruz CA 95060, or you can make a General Fund donation by clicking below.  Please email a note of each online donation that you make so we can include it in your offering statement.







